It was good practise though, especially at making a larger quantity. I made about 60 cakes in all although I wasn't concentrating on the first batch and they came out a bit too doughy.
I'm going to do a bit more experiementing with the cake batter as I'm not convinced I've got the right mix yet.
Also some of the cakes came away from the paper which I've never experienced before so not sure what happened there. Storage is a big issue too, how to store them carefully overnight to ice the following day - or should I make and ice in one day and put toppings on at the last moment. All verycomplicated.

I had fun experimenting with what I could draw in icing and did a range of my favourite modernist furniture - see if you can spot the Barcelona chair, the Artichoke light, the Thonet B33 chair, the Eames molded plywood chair

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