I've been musing over the last day or two about teabreads. I had a daydream about a teabread I used to make with my mum which came from the Stork Cookbook (!?!) and had fruit soaked in hot tea and then butter and sugar added over a moderate heat before adding flour and eggs when cooled. Baked as a loaf it was delicious with butter spread over it or just sliced, warm with a cup of tea. I began to think what these teabread style cakes would be like with alternative teas so have set myself a mission for this weekend...I'm making a Rooibos teabread. I've soaked sultanas, raisins and apricots in a strong Rooibos tea and am leaving this overnight for maximum taste. I found a recipe which I'm sort of adapting and will post pictures tomorrow when it's finished!
If successful I hope to try out camomile and vanilla teabread and something like nettle and lemon. Mint might be interesting.
If successful I hope to try out camomile and vanilla teabread and something like nettle and lemon. Mint might be interesting.

Here's my Rooibos tealoaf which was really moist, crumbly and didn't really taste very much of rooibos tea. Next time I think I'll leave out the lemon as it overpowered the tea. However it was yummy and didn't really last long enough to have the next day with butter and jam! I think Phil had the last piece the day after it was made with butter and he said it had firmed up a bit more. He also suggests adding malt but then I think this takes it into a new phase of malt loaves so I'll stick to tea for now.
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