Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Fruit tealoaf recipe

Here's the recipe I tried out for my fruit tealoaf

9oz mixed fruit - I used 3oz each of sultanas, raisins and apricots
8fl oz rooibos tea
5oz butter
6oz sugar
7oz plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
zest and juice of half lemon
2 eggs, beaten

Leave the fruit to soak in the tea overnight (minimum 4 hours) in a saucepan.
Grease, line and regrease a 1lb loaf tin. Melt the butter and sugar in with the fruit over a low heat, stirring gently. Remove from heat and add all the dry ingredients, sifted. Mix and add the lemon. Finally add the beaten eggs. Pour mix into loaf tin and cook for 1 hour - 1 1/4 hours at 170C 325F Gas 3. Leave to cool in tin for 10 minutes then remove and cool on a wire rack. Alternatively, eat straight away! If possible save some for the next day when it will be less crumbly and have with butter, jam and a nice mug of tea.

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